Our Training in Online Therapy is offered via a dynamic online learning platform and offers mentoring and feedback from expert tutors trained by Dr Kate Anthony, FBACP.
- Looking to translate your face-to-face therapeutic skills to the online environment?
- Needing to understand your client’s life in a digital world?
- Wanting to be part of a dynamic learning cohort for learning support?
- Have a busy life and want a course you can attend when you are able?
Courses are based on over 20 years of experience and training in the international online therapy field, suitable for those organisations and individual practitioners moving to an online client service via email, chat, audio and video connection, embracing social media, marketing and other technological solutions along the way to connect with clients where they are
Course Overview:
Highlights include:
- A brand-new platform with enhanced training features (Pathwright)
- An entire new mini-course on Data Protection with GDPR expert Tania Taylor
- Train as part of a cohort quarterly or join a current cohort
- Full Case studies include email, chat room, telephone and video work
- Learn how to use social media responsibly as a professional
- Bonus module on the future of counselling and psychotherapy
- Mentoring from experts in the field
Entire Structure:
- Introductions and welcome
- How to be present with your client online
- Online Disinhibition Effect
- Written communication skills
- Anonymity and Fantasy – how can we use these aspects positively in client work?
- Historical Development
- Assessment and Intake
- Informed Consent and Privacy Notices
- GDPR and other legalities (includes templates and forms)
- Responsible social networking
- Working with email
- Working with chat and instant messaging
- Working with telephone and audio
- Working with video
- Client closure and discharge
- Bonus Module: The future
- Submission of Final Personal Learning Statement
- Final live tutorial assessment
Each of the above bullets (20) contains 4 hours of learning
Includes peer networking Facebook group The Therapist’s Community
Graduate with full Certificate and “Trained by OTI” logo!
Only £999 (group applications over 5+ at 20% off per head)
Organisations may book a bespoke PRIVATE EXCLUSIVE cohort for a team to work together and to start any time (price and dates by arrangement on application).
- Certified Cyber Therapist (Children & Young People Specialism– a self-paced structure CPD training programme. Assessment via a combination of short written assignments with written feedback, experiential exercises, and a final tutor conversation. Click here for more information.
Questions? Email Stephen@onlinetherapyinstitute.com to discuss which course is right for you!